Browse the comprehensive range of orthodontic products designed to aid in precise and effective dental treatments from dental products company NIC Dental. Our selection includes several types of arch wires in orthodontics with different characteristics, ceramic and metal wire retainers for teeth, and various orthodontic accessories like coil springs. These brackets and wires ensure optimal performance and comfort for both practitioners and patients.
How to choose the right orthodontic wire type?
NIC Dental offers a diverse range of orthodontic archwires designed for various clinical needs, including NiTi orthodontic wires and Stainless steel orthodontic wires. Find out the characteristics of our different braces wires so you can make the sensible choice:
- S.S. Preformed archwires ensure rigid control and precise tooth positioning.
- Reverse Curve archwires are effective for opening occlusion by adjusting the lower anterior.
- Lingual Super-Elastic archwires are lingual arch wires shaped for lingual brackets and provide stable force for leveling.
- CuNiTi Super-Elastic archwires offer sustained corrective force with minimal loading-unloading force difference.
- Coated archwires enhance aesthetics when used with ceramic brackets.
- Heat-activated archwires utilize temperature transition for micro-corrective force.
- Super-elastic archwires deliver lasting, stable force for dental alignment.